ID: 2278
A Secret Proposal
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Altgard
Level: 16
Asmodian Only

Deliver the Mau emissary's words to Suthran. Go to Pandaemonium and request Cavalorn's advice. Go to High Priest Balder and request his advice. Deliver Balder's words to Suthran. The Mau emissary requested your help. Deliver his words to Brigade General Suthran.
The Mau emissary told you that if a peace agreement is made with the Red Mane Tribe, they would provide much useful information.

You delivered the Mau emissary's words to Suthran. Suthran decided to request advice from Pandaemonium.

You related both Cavalorn and Balder's words to Suthran. Based on their feedback, Suthran decided it would be best to make a peace agreement with the Red Mane Tribe.

Full quest's text:
Player! I knnnnnow...that we...were refused before, but we mmmmust...try again.

If wwwwe...cannnnnot...achieve peace, we have nnnno...hope of a future....

Player: "Go on."

The forrrrtress commanderrrr...must be made aware. The innnnforrrrmation...we have forrrr...him would be quite valuable.

Alllll...we return is peace.

Player: "Sounds reasonable."

We...cerrrrtainly think so. The of another mind.

At lllleast...he is so far.

Pllllease. go the fortress commander with my proposal?

Player: Accept.

Make surrrre you...telllll himmmm...that if he makes peace with the Red Mane Tribe, thennnn...we'll prrrrovide...him with more information.

If the Mmmmau...and the Asmmmmodians...can make peace, we will alllll benefit.

Plllllease hurrrrry.

Player: "I'll do my best."

What brings you here today?

Oh, you haven't come here on behalf of that tenacious Mau, have you? How long will it take for them to just go home?

Player: "Well, actually..."

I've already said that we'll never negotiate with the Sapiens! How quickly they forget!

The only reason I'm inclined to hear them is so they'll finally go away. On the other hand, if I encourage them, they may never leave.

I need another opinion. Go to Pandaemonium and meet with Cavalorn, the chief librarian. Ask his advice on the matter.

Player: "On my way."


You seem to be searching for something.

What can I do for you?

Player: "This is from Suthran."

Oh...I'm afraid I can't help much when it comes to Sapiens!

I researched the Mau for a long while, but that was many years ago. I'm afraid I'm quite ignorant about the Mau situation these days.

You should take this letter to Balder instead. He should be able to give you answers.

Player: "Thank you. I will."

Even a priest can't devote all his time to the Five Shedim Lords.

Everyone benefits from studying more than a single interest. It makes us feel more whole, more a part of the world around us.

Anyway, what brings you here?

Player: "This is from Suthran."

Ah, the Mau. They are, in fact, quite divided at the moment, you know. Conflicts over their association with the Balaur and whether or not it should continue.

It seems that this emissary at the fortress is of the mind that breaking off all ties with the Balaur is the answer. This is why they need us.

Tell Suthran that no harm will come to the Asmodians if peace is achieved. It may even be beneficial to us.

Player: "I'll tell him."

Have you been to Pandaemonium?

How is Cavalorn?

What did he say about my letter?

Player: "Well..."

Cavalorn retired? What a shame. He was quite a scholar.

High Priest Balder said that it would be beneficial to make a peace agreement with them, did he? I would feel better if we simply killed them all, but Balder is wiser than I....

Thank you for your trouble, Player. Here is your reward.

Basic Reward
icon 48 600 XP
icon x 13 870
Additional info
Quest giverEmgata
Recommended level18
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Learning Mau Language

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