ID: 2574
Let No Tether Remain
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Level: 36
Asmodian Only

Destroy Weeping Banshees, Pale Boggarts, and Decaying Zombies. Collect the contaminated objects and take them to Eldir for incineration. PlayerTo prevent the undead from resurrecting, their contaminated possessions must be incinerated. Destroy the undead in the Besfer Ghost Village, collect the contaminated objects, and take them to Eldir at the incinerator.
Centurion Sleipnir learned that contaminated objects must be incinerated to prevent the undead from resurrecting.

You went to the Besfer Ghost Village and destroyed Banshees, Boggarts, and Zombies. You brought their contaminated objects to the Torch Keeper Eldir for incineration.

Full quest's text:
The villagers spend less time bothering me now, but things are still far from good.

It's those sun-blighted undead. They're everywhere.

I spoke to a priest who's a bit of an expert, and he told me why there are more undead rather than fewer, in spite of our efforts.

Player: "What did he say?"

According to him, an undead creature's energies seep into its possessions and binds part of its spirit to the objects, allowing it to resurrect.

So we kill them and kill them, and they're using their own blasted possessions as obelisks!

So this time Player, when we destroy the undead in Besfer Ghost Village, we're going to finish the job. Can I count on you?

Player: Accept.

Banshees, Boggarts, Zombies--all of them.

Search the corpses for Banshee Aprons, Boggart Hats, and Zombie's Plows, and take them to the Torch Keeper Eldir at the Incinerator.

He'll do the burning for us.

Player: "The task is mine!"

Ah! You were sent by Centurion Sleipnir, I presume.

Did you bring the contaminated items?

Give them to me, and I'll burn them before their owners can resurrect.

Player: "Do it. Please."

Player, the Centurion told me you'd be bringing Banshee Aprons, Boggart Hats, and Zombie's Plows.

The destruction of these items is of utmost importance. I'll be waiting for you to bring them.

Player: "I'll return soon."

You have done well, Player. This can't have been an easy task.

This is the reward Centurion Sleipnir left for you.

You ought to leave now. I have incinerating to do.

Basic Reward
icon 910 765 XP
icon x 13 300
Additional optional reward when completed 20 times
icon x 22 000
- [Event] Suspicious Green Sack
Additional info
Quest giverSleipnir
Recommended level37
Repeat count20
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Undead Wildlife

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