ID: 3904
Esoteric Book of Life
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Sanctum
Level: 25
Elyos Only

Talk with Thrasymedes. Deliver the Esoteric Book of Life to Thrasymedes.
Hygea asked you to deliver a book that contains the secret skills of Clerics and Chanters to Thrasymedes.

Upon receiving the Esoteric Book of Life, Thrasymedes said that, to become a better Daeva, you should learn all the lessons in the Esoteric Books, and that he would help you.

Full quest's text:
Lady Yustiel watch over you, [%userclass]. I was hoping to run into you.

There are books that contain the skills of Lady Yustiel and other Daevas who followed her, such as this Esoteric Book of Life.

I borrowed this one recently and I need to return it. Such tomes are carefully entrusted to those who carry them.

Player: "I would be honored to assist you."

The Esoteric Books of Life are kept by Thrasymedes in Protectors Hall. This particular volume covers our elementary mysteries.

Player, would you deliver this Esoteric Book of Life to Thrasymedes?

I sense I can rely upon you, devoted [%userclass] that you are.

Player: Accept.

I assure you, Player, that this particular book holds nothing new for you. You've mastered it already.

Thrasymedes keeps the other volumes safe. Only the chosen may learn those secrets.

Speak with him. I'm sure he'd find you an acceptable pupil.

Player: "Yustiel sustain you."

To control and manipulate the very essence of life, one must be disciplined and focused.

Distractions, impulses...these detract from your focus, make you less effective.

We hold the very power of life itself in our hands. How can we not devote ourselves wholly to it?

Player: "I've devoted myself to this...."

Ah. The Esoteric Books of Life are the result of centuries of focused study and contemplation.

As Hygea entrusted this book to you, she must feel you to be a most promising Daeva.

If you seek the higher mysteries of Lady Yustiel, then I will show you the path...but only you can walk it.

Basic Reward
icon 134 338 XP
Additional info
Quest giverHygea
Recommended level25
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
FactionElyos Only
ClassPriest, Chanter, Cleric

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