ID: 4333
From the Heart
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Level: 33
Asmodian Only

Gather Flame Fungie's Hearts and bring them to Dezaren. PlayerObtain Flame Fungie Hearts for Dezaren to help stop her fire from going out.
Dezaren makes her living by selling steamed Xilix leaves but had run into trouble keeping her fire stoked.

She asked you to retrieve some Flame Fungie Hearts for her, which she could then use them to fuel her furnace. You went to the The Crash Site, killed the Flame Fungies, and returned with their hearts.

Full quest's text:
One of humankind's first achievements, fire. It's not even that complicated, but there's something about it that I just can't get right.

I can't steam my Xilix leaves without fire. Can't sell my steamed Xilix leaves if they aren't steamed. Can't feed myself without money.

Player: "What wood are you using?"

Tecoma. I know it's the cheapest, but with my profit margins are tight as they are, I can't afford Salix or Asvata.

Listen, I know this is a big request, but I could really use your help right now. I've heard that Flame Fungie's Hearts stay burning hot for hours, even without fuel or accelerants. If I could get my hands on a few, I'd have no problems getting back to my winning ways.

Will you help? I just need a few Flame Fungies killed....

Player: Accept.

I knew you'd help! You're a true Asmodian, Player!

The Flame Fungies are all near the The Crash Site. Kill them, remove their hearts, and I'll do all I can to pay you back.

Player: "Sounds fair."

How did you get on, Player?

Player: "I brought you these."

This isn't right!

Please hurry back out and get the rest of the Flame Fungie's Hearts! My fire's nearly out already!

Player: "I'll be as fast as I can."

You've saved me, Player!

Thank you so much. I don't need the money I'd set aside for the wood anymore, and... well, I want you to have it. If I could give you more, I would.

Basic Reward
icon 633 457 XP
- Legion Support Corps Coin
Additional info
Quest giverDezaren
Recommended level34
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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