ID: 80070
[Event] Memory Lane
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Sanctum
Level: 99
Elyos Only

Find the place that serves the most delicious food in Poeta. Find the place that offers the most beautiful sunset in Poeta. Find the place where the cutest mushroom in Poeta grows. Deliver the guidebook and souvenirs to Makana. Study the guidebook, visit the Poetan attractions hinted at, receive souvenirs for finding them, and then return to Makana.
A Daeva of Travel named Makana recommended you tour Poeta.

The guidebook hinted at specific locations within the region. You visited the place that serves the most delicious food in Poeta, the place that has the most beautiful sunset in Poeta, and the place where the cutest mushrooms in Poeta grow. At each place you got a stamp in your guidebook and a souvenir.

You returned to Makana and showed her your souvenirs. She suggested you take a break from time to time, and remember your roots.

Full quest's text:
Ah! There you are!

I was looking for you, Player. These summer days got me reminiscing, thinking about how things used to be, about the path I've walked, the things I've seen, the things I've done....

But my story is nothing like yours. Nothing at all. I was curious--have you ever been back to where all this started?

Player: "Poeta..."

Yes! One of the jewels of Elysea...

Maybe you should go back and take stock of everything you've accomplished this far. I believe that our beginnings provide context for all that we do in life. Maybe by visiting Poeta, you will garner a better understanding of where your life is headed?

And if not, you can still sample some of the region's treasures! I've drawn up a list here of the best things Poeta has to offer. You can take it, if you like.

Player: Accept.

Good! Now here's a guidebook with clues on each location. I've always believed treasures should be earned, not given--you'll have to discover these yourself.

If you manage to figure the clues out, you'll find someone waiting for you with souvenirs. A little memoir of your roots, if you will.

Happy travels, friend.

Player: "Faith and arms."

Makana's guidebook brought you here, right?

Her clues are as subtle as ramping Brax. Might as well say "GO TO SANCTUM AND SAY HELLO TO CORNELIUS."

Anyway, you're here. Hand me that guidebook.

Player: "Here." it's stamped, and you're good to go!

Oh! The souvenir! I have some Poetan Bread for you. Just show the book to Makana, and she'll see that you made it here.

You ought to get on your way now. I've others coming, provided they can decipher Makana's oh so cryptic clues.

Player: "Faith and arms."

I remember you. I remember you running about here, scared to death of the Airons! How things change!

This view doesn't change though, does it? Still catches my breath every time I see it. Glistening waves, slowing time, dust drifting orange and gold through a violet sky. It doesn't get much better than this.

I hope the guidebook description did it justice? Hand me it, please.

Player: "Certainly."

Hmm, Makana is an adequate writer, I suppose. Though, in her defense, some things are hard to describe.

This is your souvenir, a Commemorative Postcard of Cliona Lake. I see you've already sampled the food, so just one more place to go now, hey?

Here's your guidebook back, all stamped up and good to go.

Player: "Thank you!"

Ah! Welcome!

I am the last of your clues?

Player: "I think so."

Excellent. Then you traveled Poeta far and wide, and revisited the sites that bore the first few steps of this new life of yours.

Treat this place as an anchor, Player. Poeta can steady your feet, ground you when you feel you are falling, and will always, always be a sanctuary for you to relax in.

Here is your souvenir, a Mushroom Charm, and here is your stamp. Faith and arms, friend.

Player: "Faith and arms."

You came back!

How was your trip? Did you find all the locations I mentioned.

Player: "You tell me."

You did! Well done!

I hope you appreciated the little diversion. There are more things in this world than fighting, and life isn't just about death.

Keep your souvenirs for now. You earned them, and perhaps they will remind you of this lesson.

Basic Reward
icon 30 000 XP
icon x 50 000
- [Event] Cool Box
- [Event] Fireworks
Additional info
Recommended level99
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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