ID: 3979
[Coin/Group] Steel Rake Rumpus
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sanctum
Lv.: 42
Elyos Only

Terminate Brass-Eye Grogget, the captain of the Steel Rake. (1). Report to Kuruminerk. The Steel Rake pirates have gone too far. Take down their captain on Kuruminerk's behalf.
Kuruminerk was furious that the Steel Rake pirates had raided a Black Cloud trade ship and stolen many valuables.

He sent you to fight their captain, Brass-Eye Grogget, in hopes of making them think twice about such actions in the future.

You defeated the pirate like a ninja and returned to Kuruminerk, who disturbed you with his musings, but gave you a reward anyway.

Full quest's text:
Arrrrgh! This time Steel Rake pirates go much too far, nyerk!

My fur is fluffing up, right? It is all standing on end, right? That is how mad I am!

Do you know what Steel Rakes did? Do you?! They attacked Black Cloud trade ship and stole cargo! Among it something extremely really valuable!!

Player: "What was it?"

It was my...! Uh.... Ummmm....

That is...not important right now. What is important is that Steel Rake must be taught lesson! Painful lesson!

Would pay you to do this! Pay you much! Under table, so no taxes by Sanctum! How about it? Help us out?

Player: Accept.

Akakakak! Now Brass-Eye Grogget will pay for crossing Pay!

He is captain of Steel Rake pirates. Very sneaky, very vicious, nyerk.

Oh, and if you see sparkly, pretty pink dress.... Oh, never mind. Just kick Captain Grogget from here to Abyss!

Player: "Um...okay...."

Nyerk! What took you so long?! I have been dancing around like qooqoo waiting!

Not only do pirates steal from us, they pretend to BE us and steal from others! That is double insult that cannot stand!

Did you beat up Grogget? Beat him up real good?

Player: "Oh, yeah...REAL good."

Akakakakak! That does Shugo heart good to hear! Maybe when he recovers, he will think twice about crossing Black Cloud Traders!

Still, I miss spangly pink dress. Wonder what it would have felt like to wear it, parade around Sanctum...

What? Oh. You are still here. Um.... Here is reward, with a little extra...for your discretion, if you know what I mean, nyerk.

Basic Reward
icon 1 970 708 XP
- Gold Coin
- Gold Coin Chest
Additional info
Quest giverKuruminerk
Recommended level44
Repeat count
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Price of Goodwill

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