ID: 3979
[Coin] Steel Rake Rumpus
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sanctum
Level: 40
Elyos Only

Defeat Brass-Eye Grogget the captain of the Steel Rake (1) Return to Kuruminerk Defeat Grogget, the leader of Steel Rake who're impersonating the Black Cloud Traders and return to Kuruminerk.
Kuruminerk worried that the Black Cloud Traders' credibility was falling due to the Steel Rake committing acts of piracy in their name.

He asked you to punish Captain Grogget, the leader of the Steel Rake, so that he would stop impersonating them for a while.

When you returned after eliminating Grogget, Kuruminerk thanked you and gave you a reward.

Full quest's text:
Just in time! There's something I want to check.

Do we Shugos and the Steel Rake Shulacks look alike to you?

It seems they've been going around impersonating Black Cloud Traders and intercepting trade goods, nyerk.

They look nothing like us. It's a mystery as to how anyone would mistake them for us, right?

Player: (Nod.)

Quite a few of our dealings have been affected by this.

The Steel Rake is running the Black Cloud Traders' credibility to the ground.

We need to stop those sneaky Shulacks from impersonating us.

(In a small voice) I have a lot of Legion Support Corps Coins that are of no use to me... but I think they'll come in hand for you, Daeva?

Please help us keep the reputation of the Black Cloud Traders from becoming tarnished.

Player: Accept.

Brass-Eye Grogget is in control of the Shulack.

The lives of a great many Shulack sailors lie in the balance depending on where he points.

If you teach Brass-Eye Grogget a lesson, they'd probably think twice before impersonating the Black Cloud Traders for a while.

I'll be waiting fervently for your return.

Player: End conversation.

Nyerk! What took you so long?

Shugos aren't made to just sit around waiting like boulders.

Anyways, how did the mission go?

Player: (Give your report.)

Nyerk, seems the Steel Rake won't pose a threat for a while now!

But if Grogget regains his strength, they'll definitely return to impersonating the Black Cloud Traders and go around pirating again.

It could be an endless fight.

Thank you very much for your help! Nyerk, nyerk!

Basic Reward
icon 1 970 708 XP
- Legion Support Corps Coin
Additional info
Quest giverKuruminerk
Recommended level41
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Price of Goodwill

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