ID: 3932
[Group] Stop the Shulacks!
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Greater Stigma Quest
Lv.: 50
Elyos Only

Talk with Maloren. Get the Objects for stopping the Stigma use in Dark Poeta and take them to Miriya. PlayerMiriya has figured out what the Shulacks are really up to with Stigma. Solve the problem once and for all.
Miriya figured out that the Shulacks were using the power of Drana to gather wandering souls into Stigma stones. She had you seek advice from Maloren on how to stop them, and he sent you into Dark Poeta to deal with the Shulacks' chief scientist and cut off their supply of Drana. When you returned to Miriya, she fitted you with another Stigma slot.

Full quest's text:
Looking at this design...I wonder if the Shulacks might not be using some method to force Daeva's souls into these stones.

You said something about Drana Crystals, yes?

Player: "Yes."

Hmm...they could be using the power of Drana Crystals to compress wandering souls into Stigma stones. I suppose that's possible to do.

If that's true, we have to stop them and keep this knowledge from spreading. There are other unscrupulous forces in the world who wouldn't hesitate to use such unsavory methods.

Player: "How do you propose we do that?"

My good friend Maloren might have some idea how. I've trusted him for decades.

Naturally I can't leave my position here, so I must ask you to serve as my go-between.

Player: Accept.

He's been sent to the Kishar Observation Post, south of the Kishar Village.

Explain the situation to him and ask his advice. I'm sure he'll prove invaluable.

Go in Ariel's light.

Player: "And you."

We've been doing our own investigations into the Shulacks' use of Stigma, Player. Since you come from Miriya, I'll share the results.

We've discovered that the Shulacks have been getting their Stigma technology from Professor Hewahewa.

Player: "Well, let's stop him!"

It's harder than you think. The technology originates in Dark Poeta.

You'll need the Time Activation Stone to get in there, of course. Once you're inside, you can kill Professor Hewahewa and recover his research materials.

You'll also need to seize the Processed Drana so the Shulacks can't use it to power the Stigma they're already got. For Elysea, Player.

Player: "For Elysea."

Maloren told me he sent you on a mission inside the Balaur base in Dark Poeta. I trust you were successful?

Player: "Quite."

All those goings-on with time and space must have messed with your head, you poor dear--you haven't got what you went for.

I'm afraid you'll have to go in there all over again.

Player: "Isn't that some kind of paradox?"

Excellent news. I'll amend my report to Sanctum accordingly.

I have some good news for you as well--I've devised another way to add a Stigma slot to you.

You may not have noticed, in fact, but I already did it. Wasn't that painless?

Basic Reward
icon 5 390 338 XP
Expand Stigma Slot x 1 DP
- Stigma Shard
Additional info
Quest giverMiriya
Recommended level50
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Group] How to Use Stigma

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