ID: 11228
No, He Never Returned
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Level: 52
Elyos Only

Talk with Gelon. Talk with Auralia. Search for Alphecca. Talk with Zaniah. As Zaniah requested, visit Gelon and ask him of the whereabouts of Alphecca, a Yun tribesman.
Zaniah said Alphecca, one of the leaders who led the Yun Tribe, went missing. She asked you to find him.

From Gelon, a Yun tribesman, and Harmonia at the Inggison Outpost, you found out that Alphecca is captured in Hanarkand.

You visited Alphecca in Hanarkand. He said he had something to do and asked you to tell Zaniah not to worry about him.

You went back to Zaniah and told her what Alphecca said. She thanked you.

Full quest's text:
Ciel's Spear used to be powerful.

It was a legion that followed Empyrean Lord Ciel. It did everything Empyrean Lord Ciel said.

It stayed on the frontline and ventured deep inside Balaur territory, far from the Aetheric Field of the Aion Tower.

During the Epic Cataclysm... we knew everything in the world was shattered and ruined.

But we were strong. We fought the Balaur without anyone's help for a long time.

Player: Continue listening.

But Daevas started vanishing since they lost the power of Aether. Even the survivors became weak.

Our swords and wings broke. We survived by hiding in caves or in the shadows. Those caught by the Balaur were killed or became Dragon Worshippers.

We had no hope.

But we rose up again just like you, the Elyos. We regained prosperity after losing half our people in a broken world.

The fact we're still alive is proof of this.

Player: Nod.

The Yun Tribe survived thanks to great leaders who always followed Empyrean Lord Ciel.

They led us and taught us to remain calm in the face of despair.

It was hard living together in a village under the eyes of the Balaur Lords. But we never forgot who we were, no matter where in Balaurea we lived.

One of the leaders is Alphecca. He was always positive and encouraged us no matter where we found ourselves.

One day, he said he had some business to attend to and that was the last we saw of him. The Elyos and Asmodians appeared and the Balaur tightened their defense. So we could never find him after that.

Can you please help me find him?

Player: Accept.

Before he left, Alphecca said he would stop by at Gelon's.

Since I stayed here the whole time, I never heard anything from him. Please go visit Gelon and ask him about the whereabouts of Alphecca.

Alphecca can protect himself, that's for sure. But I'm still worried about him since the situation in Inggison is terrible.

May the protection of Empyrean Lord Ciel be with you!

Player: End dialog.

What's up, young Elyos?

Tell me if you have any questions.

I'll answer them as best I can.

Player: Ask about Alphecca's whereabouts.

Alphecca... He's a roaming sage.

He is probably somewhere in Inggison living comfortably.

But we should find him if Zaniah is worried about him.

Go ask Auralia at the Inggison Outpost.

Player: End dialog.

I'm glad to see you at the Inggison Outpost.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me.

Player: Ask about Alphecca's whereabouts.


Ah... The Yun tribesman with a long beard?

I heard that he went alone into the Balaur regions and got caught at Hanarkand.

Rescue him? Of course we tried. But he didn't want to be rescued. The rescuers came back without him.

I don't know why he refused to be rescued, but I think he is safe.

If you're worried about him, why don't you go visit him?

Player: End dialog.

Young Elyos!

What brought you here?

This is not the place for greetings.

Player: Tell him what Zaniah said.

Zaniah sent you. She worries too much. But she's a very good person.

I'm here for a reason.

Aren't you curious why Drakans put me in a cozy room like this instead of killing me?

They want something from me and I want something from them. I can't tell you now, but you'll find out soon enough.

When I get what I want from Drakans, I will walk out of here myself.

Tell Zaniah not to worry. And tell her thank you for worrying about me.

Player: End dialog.

I was looking at wind roads.

Wind roads let me feel the air from far away places.

They help me figure out who's coming here.

I could smell you through the wind, Player.

Player: Say what Alphecca said.

Alphecca is in Hanarkand?

I have no idea what he's thinking.

But I will not worry about him anymore. He told me not to.

He always keep his promises.

I guess I shouldn't have asked you to do this for me. You worked hard and I'll reward you accordingly.

Basic Reward
icon 4 020 773 XP
icon x 40 500
- Old Weathered Seal
Additional info
Recommended level55
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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