ID: 1385
Rescuing Griffo
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Eltnen
Level: 31
Elyos Only

Find Dancing Feather in the Viragos' nest. Escort Dancing Feather to Griffonix. Talk with Griffonix. Griffonix's baby has been kidnapped by Viragos. Find Dancing Feather, and bring her back to her mother.
Griffonix told you that the Viragos had kidnapped baby Griffons, among them her child Dancing Feather.

You brought Dancing Feather back safely to her mother, who was spellbound and couldn't go out to save her.

Full quest's text:
Skreeeee! Poor fledgling, my Dancing Feather!

Taken before he flew!

Player: "Who has taken him!"

Viragos, cowards! They steal fledglings, take Dancing Feather

All others fly out to search, but the spell binds me here.


Player: Accept.

Viragos' nest over bridge. Go, bring back Dancing Feather.

But return in day! At night, the spell takes hold, and I rage....

Player: "Your child will be back in no time."

Mother will save me....


Player: "Not mother, but I'll take you to her."

A rescuer, a friend!

To mother, quickly!

Player: "Spread your wings, time to fly!"

Dancing Feather! My fledgling, my baby!

I shall hide you deep in nest, they shall not take you again.

Gratitude to you, Elyos.

Player: "You're welcome."

Here, your reward.

Little Feather, are you hurt, hungry?

Never shall they take you again!

Basic Reward
icon 484 471 XP
- Griffonix's Earrings
Optional Reward
- Rank 6 Elyos Leggings
- Rank 6 Elyos Breeches
- Rank 6 Elyos Chausses
- Rank 6 Elyos Greaves
- Rank 6 Elyos Magic Chausses
Additional info
Quest giverGriffonix
Recommended level33
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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