ID: 2110
Idle Hands
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Ishalgen
Level: 3
Asmodian Only

Deliver Kaindal's message to Motgar. You heard that Motgar, one of the raiders ordered to extract sap, is lazy. Head over to him and deliver Kaindal's message.
You heard that the raiders can't make more armor because Motgar, who works at the Sap Farm, is lazy and isn't gathering the sap quickly enough.

As Kaindal requested, you went to the Munihele Forest and gave Motgar a deadline.

Full quest's text:
I wish Motgar was here. I'd wring his neck.

We sent him out to the Sap Farm a few weeks ago. His laziness was getting intolerable here. He's the sort who won't lift a finger unless you stand right behind him and scream in his ear. Not exactly the Asmodian way, eh?

I'd go yell at him again, but I've got too much to do here. Our armorer, Dalor, can't do his job because Motgar won't get him the sap he needs.'re Player, right?

Player: "Yes."

Aha! I heard you were Vanar's lackey for a while. Glad to see you've moved on. That Vanar is useless, sitting there in his tent and cursing the darkness.

Is it true he sent Tobu a fruit basket? Not exactly the sort of gift a real raider like Tobu appreciates.

Anyway, Player...the best way to earn some prestige with us and catch Ulgorn's eye is to volunteer. There's always one more thing to do, eh?

Player: "I see where you're going with this..."

I figured you would. Motgar needs another dose of old-fashioned yelling to get him extracting sap again. And I'm too busy sortin' out the camp defenses to run back and forth.

Could you "convince" him to get back to work? He's in the Munihele Forest

It should be easy. Motgar is meek, and he'll fold like a shirt when you get in his face.

Player: Accept.

I know you haven't been with us long, but you're starting to walk and talk like a raider. That'll help you with Motgar.

So, the message: Tell him that I need three buckets of sap in two days. Our new recruits need armor, so it's vital we receive the sap soon.

If he fails, he'll be dancing with the ghosts this time next week. You can tell him that too, if you think it'll get results out of him.

Player: "Understood. On my way!"

Kaindal sent you...? Not in the face! Please, not my face!

Look, I'm working hard! People are checking up on me all the hands are raw from the work...I haven't slept.... Please, just don't kill me!

Player: "Three buckets, Motgar. In two days."

Two days? Two...days?

Do you even know how long it takes Two days! That's impossible!

You may as well kill me now. Maybe then I can rest.

Basic Reward
icon 2 112 XP
- Broiled Brax
Additional info
Quest giverKaindal
Recommended level4
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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