ID: 4217
Captured Shadow Executor
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Steel Rake
Lv.: 40
Asmodian Only

Get an old package from the Elyos Prisoner and take it to Parten. PlayerTalk with Parten. Talk with Jylla. Kill the Elyos prisoner hindering Parten’s escape, and take his belongings to Parten.
Parten is trying to escape from the Steel Rake but is being hindered by an Elyos prisoner.

When you killed the Elyos prisoner and brought what you found on his body to Parten, she checked the package and asked you to report to her superiors that she had escaped safely.

When you went to see Jylla in Pandaemonium and delivered the message that her agent had escaped safely, she rewarded you...and derided Parten.

Full quest's text:
Hey you! Over here! You're supposed to rescue me!

By Azphel's shadow, I am glad to see you!

Get me out of here!

Oh, Sprigg-berries! I really thought you were my rescue party.

I can't just wait around like this... Perhaps you can still do me a favour.

Would you please kill that Elyos over there? I'd do it know.

Every time I try to escape, that Elyos Prisoner stops me.

He watches for me to try, then he shouts and makes a racket to rouse the Krall guard.

Please do me this favour. Kill the Elyos and bring me his possessions. order of the Empyrean...

Ah, you came! No that was nothing. A letter from my mother.

Splendidly done! If you're heading to Pandaemonium, might I ask one small favour?

Do you know Jylla in the Shadow Court? Please tell her that I escaped safely.

Now that the blasted Ellie's dead, I can make my own way out. I don't need her to send anyone after me.

Stupid Parten! I wouldn't trust a Shulack Pirate if he told me he was going to rob me.

Parten may need some further a clerk.

Well, thank you for your efforts on her behalf. Take this for your trouble.

Basic Reward
icon 2 815 297 XP
icon x 116 220
Additional info
Quest giverParten
Recommended level41
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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