ID: 3091
The Lost Drakie
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Theobomos
Level: 49
Elyos Only

Talk with Jamanok. Talk with Tityus. Tityus said he's attracted to Jamanok, but doesn't want to approach her because she's upset about something. Find out what's bothering Jamanok.
Tityus said he's attracted to Jamanok, but doesn't want to approach her because she's upset about something.

He asked you to find out what was bothering her, so you went to see Jamanok.

Jamanok told you she's upset because her pet Drakie is missing. When you told Tityus, he pledged to catch it, and thanked you for the information.

Full quest's text:
Hey, [%userclass]. Nice place they got here, eh? I never meant to stay so long, but there's something about it.

I'm a hunter, and a hunter needs to keep moving, right? But have you tasted the dumplings here?

By the Lords, Jabala the cook makes the best dumplings I've ever tasted. I just can't bring myself to leave!

Player: "They're THAT good?"

Well...I met Jamanok, too. She's really...special, you know?

She's elegant, and she's strong and confident, too. I love her manners, and the way she talks.... I just love everything about her!

I guess it's not really the dumplings I'm in love with!

Player: "What will you do about it?"

I'm not sure.

An exceptional woman like Jamanok might be picky about her men. I don't know what I could do to impress her.

Also she's been on edge--distracted, and kind of irritable lately. Maybe you could ask her why?

Player: Accept.

That's very kind of you. I'm sure Jamanok will feel comfortable with you. I get so flustered around her, I think I make her nervous.

If you could just ask her what's bothering her lately, that'd be great.

Player: "No problem."

What if Vison is starving? What if she eats something bad and gets sick?

What if something eats HER?

Where can she be?!

Player: "Who's Vison?"

My pet Drakie! She ran away a few days ago and I'm worried sick!

I give her a nice warm bed and good food. Why would she run away? I've got her favorite food right here--plenty of Bloodwing meat.

Keep your eyes peeled, [%userclass]. If you see a small green Drakie, please bring her to me!

Player: "I'll watch for her."

Did you meet Jamanok? Is she still upset? Is it because she broke up with someone? Has she sworn off love forever?

I knew it! Some scoundrel has broken her heart! What was his name? I'll find him and kill him and she'll fall in love with me for sure!

Who do I have to kill, Player?

Player: "Not a man. A Drakie."

I have to kill a Drakie?! That'll be easy! I'm in for sure!

Oh, it's her pet? I see.... Hmm...I understand why she's sad now.

You say it likes Bloodwing meat? Well, then I just have to set a trap with Bloodwing meat. Thanks for the tip!

Basic Reward
icon 1 347 585 XP
icon x 9 940
Additional info
Quest giverTityus
Recommended level50
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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