ID: 2718
Trading Down
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Reshanta
Level: 25
Asmodian Only

Barter with Baba Tak. Barter with Vivi. Barter with Gark. Barter with Lugbug. You got a rusty spear from the fountain. Maybe some clever bartering can get you a much better item.
You obtained a rusty spear from the fountain. When you showed it to Baba Tak, he traded you some wood armor.

When you took the wood armor to Vivi, he traded you some food that Spriggs go crazy for.

When you brought the food to starving Gark, he gave you a transparent crystal in return.

You bartered the crystal with Lugbug, and finally got a valuable item.

Full quest's text:
(You brush away a rusty coating to find a small Skurv spear.)

(You remember hearing Baba Tak was looking for a spear.)

Player: "Maybe the Skurv will want it."

Do you know my coo friend Kimssi, too?

Kimssi knew what true friends do. Kimssi threw me this coo new spear.

Player: "I have a spear as well."

Ooh. You have a truly cool spear. I love spears--I would like to accrue a few.

Can you use wood armor? Would you choose to do a switcheroo with me?

If you can't use truly unique armor, do you know who likes wood armor? The muse Vivi, that's who!

I really do want your cool new spear.

Player: "All right, already."

Wind, water, tree... Wind blows, water flows, tree grows.

Have you ever pondered why each wind blows in a different direction, why the flow of different bodies of water have a unique sound, why every tree has a different color?

Poets like me know these variations exist in nature to teach us not only to accept uniqueness among us, but to celebrate them.

Speaking of unique things, can I see that wood armor?

Player: "What? This old thing?"

This armor is fascinating. I would love to spend more time with it, if you don't mind. In return, I can give you one of my master creations!

Sigh.... No one ever wants to take my poetry for payment, but no worry, I am a master chef as well. I'll stir up one of my special creations.

But be warned! Spriggs adore my delicacies. That Gark would eat them until he explodes.

Player: "Sounds better than a poem."

So, so...hungry....

I'm so hungry and weak I can't even hunt.

Wait! Wait! What do I smell? I smell...mmm.... What smells so good?

Player: "Do you smell this?"

Yes, yes! That's it! The smell is so amazing, so intoxicating!

It must taste even better! I would give anything for a taste of that.

I have no Kinah. But, but I must taste that delicious food!

Here, here, take this crystal. Then I won't have to worry about Lugbug sneaking around and trying to take it.

Player: "Okay...."

Hello, you have something sparkling in your hands.

Ah! A sparkling crystal!

I feel a sense of home when I'm around sparkling things.

Player: "Where's home?"

I don't know where I come from, but it must be a place filled with sparkling things.

Perhaps if I keep this crystal with me it will help me remember.

May I keep this? I will trade you a good item.

Basic Reward
icon 1 476 088 XP
icon x 50
- Lugbug's Treasure
Additional optional reward when completed 5 times
Additional info
Recommended level40
Repeat count
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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