ID: 2561
Frozen Ghosts
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Lv.: 36
Asmodian Only

Destroy the ghosts wandering in Kurngalfsberg. [plur]Iceghost Warrior[pl:"Warriors"] (10) [plur]Iceghost Mage[pl:"Mages"] (10) [plur]Iceghost Priest[pl:"Priests"] (10) Talk with Daeva of Flame Kistenian. Ghosts are interfering with the restoration work in Kurngalfsberg. Destroy the Iceghost Warriors, Iceghost Mages, and Iceghost Priests that roam the city.
The ghosts of Kurngalfberg are interfering with Daeva of Flame Kistenian's scouting work. He asked for your help.

You sent all the ghosts back to the flow of Aether, and reported the result to Kistenian.

Full quest's text:
It's been almost half a year since I came here, but we've made almost no progress.

If we were on schedule, the preliminary survey would be complete by now. We'd be starting the restoration work.

I'm afraid at this rate we'll never be able to revive Kurngalfberg.
Well, the Worg population has been neglected for far too long. But that's the least of it.

The real challenge is the ghosts. People who were buried along with Kurngalfberg now wander the city. They don't seem to know they're dead.

The natives were naturally wary of outsiders, and now their ghosts attack us.

We requested support from Beluslan Fortress, and they sent us two Archons. Two!

I do understand. Given all the fighting, even two was generous. But it's not enough to deal with the ghosts, let alone to protect our outpost here.

Would you be willing to lend your [%mainslotitem] to our defence? Your reputation precedes you, and it's a good one.

Great news, Player. We can use every Daeva we can get.

We've got three main concerns--the Iceghost Warrior[pl:"Warriors"]s, Iceghost Mage[pl:"Mages"]s, and Iceghost Priest[pl:"Priests"]s have caused us the most trouble. They're our priority.

They each fight in a different way, so you may want to strategize before you go down into the city.

I still can't get used to it. I remember this city in its prime: glittering gold and teeming with people. It seems like a dream now.

Enough of my rambling--how did it go?

I knew I was right to trust you. Now we can start our work without being harassed.

Please accept this. You helped us as if this was your mission alone. I can't let you go without giving you something in return.

Basic Reward
icon 1 301 093 XP
icon x 34 440
- Ground Monitor Steak
- Greater Odella Powder
Additional info
Quest giverKistenian
Recommended level37
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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