ID: 730551
Love and Hate: The Oriata Collection
icon NPC
Level: 1
HP: 63
Aggression radius: 0m


(You pick up the bundle and turn it over in your hands.)

(The stack of papers has sharp corners and soft folds. Clearly, some of the pages are older than others, but all have the brittle texture of age.)

(They're just laying around. No one will mind if you read them, right?)

From Laso's pen to your eyes.

My dearest Oriata,

Oh, how the days stretch on without you. But, when the Elders call, a Reian flies to answer the summons.

What if they want me to join the war against Tiamat? A worthy cause, of course, but what do I know about fighting a war? I know only that people die, and enough Reians have died.

(A sentence is scratched out, and the letter resumes in a different shade of ink.)

Yes, the Elders wanted me to fight against our enemies. How could I have doubted it? Do you know how important the war effort is?

I'm in a unit under a lieutenant named Kahrun. He's fresh in the field, just like me, but he has some amazing ideas.

Together, we'll strike a blow so hard, Tiamat will leave our lands for good.

I hope you're staying safe in the Temple, my love. I'll be back in Kamar as soon as Tiamat is defeated.

(You wonder if this Laso is still out fighting or if he's turned in his resignation. Because Tiamat sure isn't defeated yet and this letter is centuries old.)

From Laso's pen to your eyes.

My dearest Oriata,

We haven't seen much action yet--just one Drakan that Kahrun dealt with handily. That young kid takes the enemy head on! It's impressive.

Much more important, I've joined the regimental band! Whenever I pull out my ocarina, I think of your sweet face, lips pursed as you taught me to play.

Oh, to be back at your side, my love!

But enough of me. How go things at Siel's Temple? Do the lower priestesses still try to hide their "special collections" from you? Have you singlehandedly cured every cold in the city?

Tell me all. Make me feel like I'm home again.

From the Council of Elders.

Lady Oriata -

Your proposal shall be discussed in chambers in three days.

Your presence is required.

From Laso's pen to your eyes.

My dearest Oriata,

I've been a bit melancholy lately, but I wrote this sonnet for you.

The red that enemy Drakan doth spill
Reminds me of your ruby lips... and grass
On summer days when our love did amass
More sweetness than a barman's cider mill.
No souvenir of lustrous meat shall last;
And trophies of this ilk, they too shall pass
While on we march to defy Ti'mat's will.

Will we meet again, my love, in winter?
Under stars that shine with Siel's strongest light?
Though fresh I'm pricked with many a splinter,
Will you still know me when that hour comes?
Will Siel's Temple will yet treat this fallen knight?
Tell true! Before to despair I succumb.

From Laso's pen to your eyes.

My dearest Oriata,

Let's talk of happy things. Some of my comrades and I have decided to open a bar when we get back home.

It'll be the kind of place where you can relax with friends. We'll have good drinks and good music, and people will come from the farthest outskirts just to meet with friends.

We haven't decided what to call it yet. I wanted "Laso's Place," but the others thought I was crazy. "Galam Ga-bar" also came up, but that's a terrible name. Do you have any suggestions?

From the Council of Elders.

Lady Oriata -

Your petition has been granted.

Supplies for treatment of Human patients will be sent to the agreed triage sites in exchange for your cooperation.

You will report to rcheron in the morning with all the high-level priests and healers you have mustered.

From Garnon's pen to your eyes.


So weird to see you all decked out in armor yesterday. We're going to miss you around here.

I told my dad I wanted to go with you. I said, "If Orry's going, it can't be that dangerous, right? Besides, I'll have a personal priestess."

But you know my dad. He was all, "If you think you're ready for that sort of thing, young lady, you can think again!"

Some day, I'll be strong enough to defy him. I want to help our people, just like you.

But I thought you'd planned to stay in Kamar at the temple. Weren't you organizing all the healing tents and medical sites? Without you here, the Humans will probably be ignored, and the Daevas will get told "die and call me in the morning" for even the smallest wounds.

I'm going to miss you terribly. We'll go sit in the park when you get back, right?

From Laso's pen to your eyes.

My dearest Oriata,

Thank you for the suggestions in your last letter. The boys and I have agreed that your Bivarus Tavern is a great name. All those "v" sounds!

V for Victory, we think.

Speaking of victory and the battle against Tiamat, I heard about the shortage of healers off the battlefield.

We met up with another troop the other day, fresh out of Kamar, and they had stories of hometown priests covered in blood, drowning under a tide of wounded. They spoke of overwhelmed healers at home and an end to the Human Treatment Program.

You can't have known this would happen. The mainstay of your tenure as Head Priestess of Siel's Temple has always been treatment for Humans. "Humans will someday ascend," you told me.

But these are the exigencies of war: battlefield priests and dead generations.

I don't know when this letter will reach you, now that you and your followers have joined the front lines.

But whenever it does, know that you carry my love and my sympathy. When the war is over, when Tiamat has been driven out, we will mourn together and make joyful moments to replace these horrors.

You must believe that a happy end will come.

From the Council of Elders.

Lady Oriata -

We are decided. You will leave. Now.

Your name will no longer be spoken. Your deeds, unremembered.

Your scathing letter about the treatment of Humans in Kamar outraged this council.

We appreciated your work, and the work of your compatriots, in the field. But we were not obligated to provide support to your friends--the healers and priests in question--simply because you followed our directives.

We have the power to give aid or to use our resources elsewhere. Your threats to the future wellbeing of the Reian people went too far.

You have one day to leave our lands. You may never return. You are banished for eternity.

From Laso's pen to your eyes.

My dearest Oriata,

I learned of your banishment today. Know that I will wait for you, wait for the day we can be together again.

I don't believe anything people might say. You're too noble, too powerful, to act like that.

I will love you always, even when the Elders force us apart. Only let me know where you choose to spend your exile, and I will come.

From Oriata's pen to your eyes.

Sweet Laso,

Your kind words bring me needed succor in this era of hatred and distaste.

Do I presume too much upon your affection when I beg you to meet me? Perhaps I do, yet I must fold my wings in abject posture.

Come to me, my sweet. Live with me and stay clothed in my love all your days.

I'll leave you a clue to my whereabouts in the Debarim Petralith Studio.

I cannot do more. To be specific could invite retaliation from the council of Elders.

(You wipe away a tear, knowing that Oriata never sent this letter to her sweet Laso. He never knew where she went and that she wanted him to come with her. Tragic! It's a good thing Kahrun has taken over from those shattering Elders.)

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