ID: 70607
Inanna's Will
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inanna and Benirunerk
Level: 80
Asmodian Only

Talk to Thoughtful Inanna at the Inanna's Refuge. Talk to Pogarunerk, a captive in Valley Prison Camp. Obtain the Hidden Key from Head Jailor and use it in front of the prison door to rescue Pogarunerk. Use the Hidden Key again to find the right prison key. Use the Hidden Key again to find the right prison key and rescue Pogarunerk. Return to Inanna's Refuge and find the Preserved Message Cube containing Inanna's message. Check the Closed Refuge Entrance. Go find the Valley Prison Camp as Inanna asked.
When you said everyone was shaped by the past, Inanna said this wasn't her past she was talking about, but her reality.

The Balaur are still plundering and exploiting other races, creating victims like her and Benirunerk.

At her request, you went to the Valley Prison Camp under the control of the Regatus Naduka troops.

The camp was as awful as Inanna had said. The Balaur imprisoned and abused anyone they deemed weaker than them, using them as forced labor.

Out of pity, you helped one of the captive Shugos escape.

When you returned to speak with Inanna, you found only a waiting message.

Inanna's voice told you that she intended to follow her path and grow stronger, so she could protect future victims from the tyranny of the Balaur.

Her hideout was destroyed, leaving no trace of her.

Full quest's text:
...He said I was special, but I'm not the only one.

No matter how hard it got, Benirunerk always talked about his plans and dreams, and all the things he wanted to do when we escaped....

He made me feel like those things were really possible. Like we had a chance.

We talked about everything. I told him how no one had ever cared about me... But he did.

Those moments helped me survive my darkest days.

Player: "We're all shaped by our pasts, Inanna."

Our pasts....

But it's not the past.

My friendship with Benirunerk, the atrocities comitted by the Balaur....

Neither of those things are over.

And if the Balaur think they can put a price on us, exploit us....

Player: (Continue listening.)

Their obsession with the idea that 'might makes right', their merciless exploitation....

I may have Balaur blood, but I'm not like them. I'll never understand them.

Their victims, including me and Benirunerk, are everywhere. And there are more of them every day.

You don't know what we've been through, Player... You haven't seen.

Hmm... the Valley Prison Camp is near here. It was built by the Naduka.

You should see it, Player. Everyone should.

Player: "I... okay. I will."

Why... why are Shugos so physically weak?...

It makes other races think it's okay to pick on us....

This life... this life is just pain and misery, nyerk....

Player: (Continue listening.)

If only... if only Pogarunerk could feel the sunlight again....

No more seconds here... no more minutes...!

Daeva, have pity. Please! Please help Pogarunerk!

Bring the Hidden Key that the Head Jailor has. Then... then Pogarunerk can at least try to escape!

Player: "Okay, hold on."

|||||||■From: Inanna■|||||||

Player, when you hear this, I'll already be gone.

Please don't worry about me.

I wonder what you felt at the Valley Prison Camp....

I hope it helped you understand.

What you saw there... was what I experienced.

Player: (Continue listening.)

I've thought it over for a long time. I can't forgive it, I can't forget, and...

...and I can't close my eyes anymore.

I don't want to see any more victims, but I can't pretend not to.

I don't want others to experience what Benirunerk and I did.

I have to take a stand. I have to find the strength... I have to get stronger. Strong enough that no one will push me around anymore, that no one will ignore me.

This is my choice. My choice, my path, and... and my dream.

I hope you understand, Player. But... Even if you don't, I won't stop. I can't.

I have to stop this from happening again. Thank you, for everything.

Player: "Inanna...."

(There is no trace of her.)

(It seems she took everything before she left.)

(It doesn't look like she intends to return.)

Basic Reward
icon x 127 318
- Compact Crystal of Ambition
- Inanna's Stellin Uniform
Additional info
Recommended level80
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech, Vandal

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Benirunerk, A Good Friend

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