ID: 730425
Teleporter to Balaurea
icon NPC
Level: 1
HP: 63
Aggression radius: 20m


(This is a Teleport Device leading to Balaurea.)

(This is a Teleport Device.)

(You can see the Inggison Illusion Fortress through the device.)

(You need 9,300 Kinah to go to the Inggison Illusion Fortress.)

Player: Teleport to the Inggison Illusion Fortress.

(The Teleport Device is not working.)

(Looking around the teleport device, you see something written on the floor.)

(Only those with access rights to Balaurea can use this Teleport Device.)

(It costs 9,300 Kinah to get to the Inggison Illusion Fortress.)

Player: Finish examining.

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