ID: 30851
[Instance Dungeon] Reclaim Qubrinerk's Cubic Lab
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Cubic
Level: 999

Enter Qubrinerk's Cubic Lab Talk to Qubrinerk Preparing for Combat Go to Outside of the Lab Go to Madrukin at the Captured Cubic Lab. Eliminate Madrukin, take back the lab and then talk to Happy Qubrinerk. Become one of Qubrinerk's mercenaries and take back the Cubic Lab.
Qubrinerk asked you to become one of her Mercenaries and participate in the recapture mission of her Cubic Lab.

After defeating Madrukin and his men together with Qubrinerk's Mercenaries, you reported back to Qubrinerk that the lab was reclaimed. She asked you to continue working as a mercenary and gave you a gift.

Full quest's text:
Thanks to you, my Shugo Mercenaries resolved their issues and left for the Cubic Lab.

But the Shugo Mercenaries are not strong enough to take the lab back themselves. That's why I wanted to ask you to join the Mercenaries and help with the fight, nyerk.

And of course you wouldn't be fighting for nothing! If you help recapture my lab, I will help you use the Cubics.

What do you think, nyerk? Will you help me?

Player: Nod.

Great! Then we need to make a plan to get the remaining Shulacks out of the Cubic Lab.

My Cubic Lab is hidden in another dimension, so Daevas cannot just get there. You need to enter it through the Gatekeeper who is one of my Mercenaries as well, nyerk.

Sadly, the Gatekeeper of my lab is easily scared and comes out to Lakrum only when he feels absolutely safe.

He should show up somewhere when Daevas occupy the Lakrum base. You'll need to look for him.

Good, I will see you in Qubrinerk's Cubic Lab then, nyerk.

Player: Accept.

Why are you so late? I thought something had happened, nyerk!

Are you alright? Nothing happened on the way?

Player: Nod.

This is my Cubic Lab, which those mean Shulacks of Madrukin took over.

Madrukin's group is trying to use my Cubics to become stronger and use them for their evil schemes!

Now become one of my brave mercenaries and work with the others to defeat Madrukin Guards.

Take back my Cubic Lab from Madrukin and his men! Please, nyerk!

Player: End dialog.

Well done! Thank you so much, nyerk.

Since you are also a member of my mercenaries, Madrukin and his men won't dare bother us again!

This is a gift for all Daevas who worked in the mercenary.

If you continue to be my mercenary and help me, I will make sure to always pay you well, nyerk.

Shugos may forget grudges, but never forget their debts, nyerk!

Basic Reward
icon 36 732 360 XP
icon x 129 470
- Qubrinerk's Gift Box
- Major Recovery Serum
Additional info
Recommended level999
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech, Vandal

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Qubrinerk's Request for Help

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