ID: 80109
[Event] Pumpkin Reds
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Pandaemonium
Level: 40
Asmodian Only

Collect Red Soul Crystals and deliver them to Witchta. PlayerCollect Red Soul Crystals and deliver them to Witchta.
Witchta asked you to bring her Soul Crystals.

When you brought them, she was rambling about vengeance and pumpkin pie.

Full quest's text:
This place is starting to grow on me.

Everyone is so helpful, and the Pumpkin King doesn't seem to have full control of the market here. If I can...

Azphelumbra, Player. How wonderful to see you again.

Player: "What Pumpkin King?"

The Pumpkin King? Oh, Tali's no one special. Just an old acquaintance. He thinks he's got the whole region locked up...but I'll show him.

...I'll show him my vision, if only I can get enough power to see it clearly. Though I fear that he might be behind the horrors I'm seeing. Yes...I think that is a strong possibility....

Help me get my Soul Crystals back from his minions. Then I will be able to clear this all up.

Player: Accept.

Excellent. You know, Daeva, I'm really starting to like you.

Go kill the Senior Exorcist Souls, Senior Healer Souls, and Senior Witch Trappers.

Collect Red Soul Crystals from their corpses and bring them to me! I'll be waiting for you here, thinking of a good curse to put on ol' Tali.

Player: "Better make a strong curse."

Pumpkin tossing. Yes! His big bloated head would fly fabulously, and I can make pie out of all the little tidbits left over!

Ah, Player...I was just thinking of making some pumpkin pie. Would you like a slice?

Did you bring me what I asked for?

Player: "Here, and I prefer vinna pie."

Oh yes! It's so good to have them back. What wonderful work you do.

Tonight, I'll scry again. With this additional power, I'm sure that I will be able to conjure a stronger vision! Visions of vengeance!

I think I'm going to like it here....
Where are my Red Soul Crystals? I want those crystals!

What, mad? No. This isn't mad. You wouldn't like to see me mad, my dear. Witches can be a...tad temperamental.

Perhaps it would be best to just hurry...hmmm?

Player: "Cranky, aren't we?"

Basic Reward
icon 350 000 XP
icon x 100 000
- [Event] Witchy Mystery
- [Event] Pandaemonium Scroll
Additional reward (please select) when completed 10 times
- [Event] Enchanting Sorcerer Hat (7 days)
- [Event] Enchanting Sorcerer Gloves (7 days)
- [Event] Enchanting Sorcerer Shoes (7 days)
Additional info
Quest giverWitchta
Recommended level40
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech, Vandal

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Event] Witch Red Sparks?

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