ID: 731680
Kirhine's Records
icon NPC
Level: 1
HP: 63
Aggression radius: 0m


- Contents -

To the young Asmodian Daevas

Chapter 1: The First World

Chapter 2: The Ascension of the Balaur

Chapter 3: The Millennium War

Chapter 4: An Offer of Peace

Chapter 5: The Cataclysm

Chapter 6: Chaos and the Construction of Pandaemonium

Chapter 7: The Discovery of the Abyss

Chapter 8: War in the Abyss

To the young Asmodian Daevas

A long, long time ago, Atreia once was one. Aion also was one. There were no Asmodians or Elyos, just humans. All humans followed and obeyed the Tower of Eternity, Aion, and fought the Balaur.

However, the time when all humans looked the same and followed the same fate is just part of a past that was true thousands of years ago. That time will never return.

The place we stand today is a land divided in half. After the Cataclysm, we were thrown into this dark and barren world, where our only choice was to adapt to the cold wasteland. We survived by forcing ourselves to adapt but the only thing waiting for us were more trials and dangers.

We now know that we couldn't bring tolerance and forgiveness with us. Had we decided against tolerance and had instead fought back desperately, Atreia would not have split in half. But in light of that catastrophe, we won't make that mistake again. Even though we only have half the land to live on, we will fight till the end to protect it.

My name is Kirhine. I'm a Daeva who has been fighting since before the Cataclysm.

I saw the battle against the Balaur, the Cataclysm, and the start of the war against the Elyos with my own eyes. So I know exactly what we Asmodians need to do and how to prepare for the future.

We cannot forgive the Elyos who incited the flames that caused the Cataclysm. We now know that Asmodae and Elysea cannot coexist, so now it is time for them to take responsibility for what they did.

The Daevas of today don't know of the tragedies of the past. They do not take the threat of the depleting Aether seriously.

To make them to recognize the great danger the Asmodians are faced with, they need to be educated. They need to learn what it means to live as a true Asmodian Daeva.

Chapter 1: The First World

In the beginning, Atreia was a paradise. The light of Aion reached all places and there was neither cold nor dark, as it is today.

There were wide plains and vast meadows, and grains and livestock in abundance. For the humans back then, nature was a blessing and not a place where they needed to fear for their lives.

But that doesn't mean that the humans didn't know of any dangers. Just as it is today, the Balaur were trying to dominate the humans. Even though they might have been the same as the humans on a mental level, their bodies far exceeded those of the humans, making it impossible for the humans to fight against the Balaur on equal terms.

Even though the Balaur were oppressing them, the humans were able to develop their own culture and communities. The basis for their lives and culture was their faith in Aion. They praised him in poems and songs and their buildings were influenced by the architecture of Aion's temples.

It seems this peaceful life would have continued on eternally if it hadn't been for the Balaur's dark ambitions.

Chapter 2: The Ascension of the Balaur

The Balaur living in early Atreia were Drakan. Their outstanding physique enabled them to dominate the other races.

Not even the violent Mau or the Kralls could defeat them. The humans avoided the Drakan as much as possible and tried to create shelters in places where they wouldn't find them.

The Drakan constantly hungered for dominance. They wanted greater territories, and more humans and other Sapiens that would kneel before them. But above all, they wanted power. They kept trying to acquire stronger bodies and greater magic.

After endless effort, the Drakans managed to finally ascend. Not only did they receive greater intelligence, their bodies changed as well.

The ascended Drakan called themselves the Balaur. Among them, some emerged with even larger bodies with wings. These were the first dragons, and they subjugated the Balaur and ruled over them.

The five most powerful dragons became known as the 'Dragon Lords'.

The Dragon Lords had powers greater than ever before. Under their rule, the Balaur became even stronger and humans and sapiens alike began to suffer under their tyranny.

But even though all of Atreia was in their hands, their desire for more power and authority didn't end there.

They finally began to realize what it was that made them want more power and better abilities. It was the fact that Aion still stood above them.

The foolish Dragon Lords believed they could surpass Aion. They wanted to drive Aion from Atreia and become gods themselves.

Chapter 3: The Millennium War

When the Dragon Lords appeared, the Mau and other sapiens like the Krall were already serving the Balaur. When they heard that the Dragon Lords were planning a revolt against Aion, they obediently followed their orders.

The only ones who stood against the Balaur at that time were the humans.

To protect the humans who followed him and push back the Balaur, Aion sent to the humans twelve Empyrean Lords.

He then created a protective barrier to protect himself. The barrier was made by the power of the Aether, and as the Balaur were vulnerable to Aether, they could not enter through this 'Aetheric Field'.

The twelve Empyrean Lords began to evacuate more and more humans into the Aetheric Field and started training them systematically how to resist the Balaur.

Under the training of the twelve Empyrean Lords, the first humans started to ascend as the Balaur had done. Their backs sprouted wings and they could wield the power of the Aether. Even though they didn't know it at the time, they had also received eternal life.

The ascended humans were called Daevas and these Daevas thought their ascension was the blessing of the twelve Empyrean Lords. Many humans ascended to become Daevas and I was one of them.

After the Daevas started to appear, the nature of the war began to change. Before, the Drakans had slaughtered the humans at will, but now, as Daevas, the humans were able to fight back on equal terms.

I myself received a spellbook from Lord Lumiel that allowed me to create flaming arrows and ice chains from Aether to fight the Drakans.

There was no great difference in the power the Daevas and the Balaur had. Since the twelve Empyrean Lords were equal in strength to the Dragon Lords, the battle continued on, the front line barely shifting.

While I watched my sons die, my grandchildren die, and saw many more great-grandchildren born and die, all I did was continue to fight on as a Daeva.

The battle between the Balaur trying to topple Aion, and Aion who tried to protect the humans, had carried on for a thousand years now.

Chapter 4: An Offer of Peace

The idea to end the war came from an unusual place. It was Lord Israphel, who hated the Dragon Lords the most, that finally voiced the idea to enter a peace treaty with the Balaur.

Lord Israphel said we should remember why the war started and that the goal had not been to eradicate the Balaur, but to protect Aion.

Lord Israphel's idea caused a great many discussions among the remaining Lords. The Daevas and the humans were confused by the differing opinions of the Lords and divided into supporting and opposing factions amongst themselves.

I believed that peace between us and the Balaur would be impossible. How can you talk about making peace with those who want to destroy Aion?

I thought we had to stop any offer of peace at any cost, so I gathered all my courage and went to Lord Lumiel who had once trained me.

When I entered the Lord's quarters, I heard an angry voice. It was the voice of Lord Azphel.

"What in Aion's name is Israphel thinking? No matter how long the war has been going on, how can he consider a peace treaty? Those heretics deny the sanctity of Aion and if we enter a treaty with them, what then are the sacrifices of the Daevas and humans over the past 1000 years?"

Hearing Lord Azphel's voice, I felt foolishly relieved. If the Lords opposed the treaty this much, it would never come to pass.

But Lord Israphel didn't care about the other Lords' opinions. Instead he put all his effort into convincing Lady Siel of his plan.

In the end, the original goal of protecting Aion changed Siel's mind. The two Lords who were the Guardians of the Tower agreed to the peace offering and the other Lords could do nothing about it.

It was not just me but also the other members of the legion who were unable to accept peace with the Balaur. Our whole legion ran to the Tower of Eternity, spread our wings and started to plead to Lady Siel and Lord Israphel.

But we were unable to make them reconsider their decision.

Chapter 5: The Cataclysm

The day of the peace treaty that should never have come to pass, finally arrived.

Just as Lady Siel and Lord Israphel had agreed upon with the five Dragon Lords, the Aetheric Field surrounding Aion was lowered. The Dragon Lords put down their weapons and came barehanded.

As soon as I saw the five Dragon Lords enter the agreed location, my eyes filled with tears. I couldn't but feel ashamed, feeling that this was not peace but an insult instead. I saw the shoulders of my comrades shaking. The whole legion was standing there, barely containing their fury.

The twelve Empyrean Lords stood facing the five Dragon Lords. They exchanged the previously agreed-upon words and the peace ceremony began.

That's when it happened. Suddenly one of the Dragon Lords fell to his knees and chaos ensued.

Amidst much screaming and shouting, I saw Fregion, leader of the Dragon Lords ascend into the sky. The next moment, I saw a powerful light that almost blinded me.

Next came a great roar and chaos, a maelstrom of screams. The earth began to shake and tear apart and everything in the vicinity of the Tower began to fall.

I saw how the Tower of Eternity was being split in half. I could not believe what my eyes were seeing. I just stared at the falling fragments of the tower until I was swept away by a large Aether current.

The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness was Lady Siel and Lord Israphel, spreading their giant wings to restore the Aetheric Field again.

Chapter 6: Chaos and the Construction of Pandaemonium

When I woke up again, me and my comrades were in the place we now call Altgard. As the shock and the chaos slowly died down, we tried to assess our situation. But we could not and did not want to believe what we found out.

When the Aetheric Field was raised again, the Dragon Lords couldn't withstand the Aether anymore and fled the area. But together with the tower, all of Atreia fell.

On that day of the Cataclysm, many Daevas, along with Lady Siel and Lord Israphel, had perished.

We only found out after we discovered the Abyss that the two Lords had used unfathomable power to prevent the divided Atreia from being completely destroyed. They used up all their power, sending the Daevas and the remaining ten Lords to either end of the Broken Tower, North and South.

It was to the North of Atreia where I arrived, and as the light of Aion was gone, the world was veiled in darkness, only penetrated by diffuse star light.

Humans and Daevas alike suffered under the cold and darkness, and the land changed from something abundant to quite barren. Moreover, the Aether available in Atreia was much less than it had been before.

Many humans and Daevas fell in despair but fortunately, Lord Azphel and five other Lords were with us.

To adapt to the barren land, our appearance began to change over time, becoming what we are now.

At first, our skin started to become more pale. Over time, our nails started to curve, like hooks. Just when we thought we were done changing, we started to grow manes.

It was a bit painful for me to see how much I had changed from the person I used to be.

But having lived through all the hardships, restoring some semblance of Atreia, and finally building a new capital that we called Pandaemonium, I couldn't but shed a few tears in joy over our recovery and renewed prosperity.

Chapter 7: The Discovery of the Abyss

Much time passed after the Cataclysm.

Atreia become peaceful once more and the war with the Balaur and the Cataclysm slowly started to disappear from people's memories. Apart from the Mau who sometimes caused trouble, not many dangers were lurking for the Asmodians.

But then one day, something strange happened.

The pieces of the tower that had fallen and were stuck in the ground, started to emit light or rose into the sky. People who approached those pieces started to disappear.

Pandaemonium implemented a strict ban on approaching the tower fragments and sent out Archons to investigate.

They found out that the missing people had been sent to a new space that was connected to Atreia.

Many Daevas went out to investigate this new and abnormal space. They began with the floating islands that were found in several places and started finding out more and more about this space they called the 'Abyss'.

But the Abyss was a very dangerous place. Not all fragments were connected to the same place and entrances suddenly closed and some Daevas were never able to get back home.

But that wasn't the most surprising part of the Abyss. When I was dispatched by the Judge of Silence to investigate the missing Archons, I saw them with my own eyes.

Those that had looked the same as we had and were sent to the South during the time of the Cataclysm.

They came through the Abyss into our world.

When I discovered them, they were opposing Lord Zikel.

Their leader was Deltras and he was saying that they didn't want any more trouble and would just go back quietly to their own world. It didn't look like Lord Zikel wanted trouble with them either.

But the problem was Lord Zikel's arrogance.

He told them they had to curse Lord Nezakan whom they were following or he wouldn't send them back. As soon as he spoke his words, Deltras raised his head and cursed Lord Zikel instead.

In mere moments, a horrible battle ensued. This battle was the beginning of the Elysean-Asmodian War.

Chapter 8: War in the Abyss

After Deltras died at Morheim, the war with the Elyos began.

At first, it was revenge and then more revenge. I would have never thought the war could last this long.

Hadn't the Asmodians and the Elyos once been the same, even though we had been separated by such a long time?

But the situation took an unexpected turn. Suddenly we learned that the existence of one of the Atreias in the Abyss was at stake.

The only way to prevent our own destruction was to destroy the other half of Tower of Eternity in Elysea.

A new war was about to start, one as equally fierce as the Millennium War against the Balaur.

Not long after that, the Balaur began to reappear. This time, it wasn't just the Drakans we had fought such a long time ago, but also the Nagas and Draconutes. Their goal was the same - they wanted Atreia and Aion for themselves.

Looking back at the past 2000 years, we spent the first 1000 years fighting on the battlefield against the Balaur.

The time that came after, we tried to restore what remained of Atreia and make Pandaemonium prosperous. We did all that as Daevas to protect the humans.

Even though I have worked for such a long time, I know that my duty is not done. To repay the Lord for his blessing, the time has come to drop the pen and take up the spellbook again.

If we don't kill the enemies surrounding Atreia from all sides, we will be responsible for endangering our own existence.

Just as the twelve Empyrean Lords once taught us Daevas to fight against the Balaur, the Elyos and Asmodians are training Daevas to fight against each other.

Both Elyos and Asmodians blame each other for the Cataclysm and think themselves the true rulers of Atreia.

But as of right now, neither Elyos, nor Asmodian, nor Balaur for that matter, are able to claim ultimate victory. The precarious balance is constantly shifting back and forth.

Who might win on the battlefield of survival and resentment?

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