ID: 820135
Day of the Tempest
icon NPC
Level: 1
HP: 63
Aggression radius: 0m


(This book is called "Day of the Storm".)

(This book is called "Day of the Storm".)

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- Contents -


Birth and Legend of Dragon Lord Ereshkigal..................3

The Risen Ereshkigal and Sakrapas..........................4

All-Out Attack on the Deep Layer and Ereshkigal’s Counterattack..............5

Disappearance of Ereshkigal and Heroes.......................6

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Blessed by Lord Aion, I have lived as a Daeva with an old man’s look for a long time.

I am convinced that I was given this long life to record what I have witnessed, although I didn’t fight holding a spear or shield in battlefields.

I record in this book the history I remember.

- Pernos

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The Birth and Legend of Dragon Lord Ereshkigal

A legend about the birth of Ereshkigal has been passed down orally since ancient times. The following excerpt is from Ancient Legend Volume 5, The Legend of Dragon Lord Ereshkigal:

- The Birth of Ereshkigal

One day a group of Drakans discovered a huge transparent egg in the middle of a scorching desert.

Although it was too cold to touch, Drakans decided to move it to a safe place to help it hatch. They carefully carried it to their village.

As the whirring sound faded away, the surface of the egg started to crack. A moment later, a gigantic Drakan stood up slowly.

"I will give you order."

This was the first word Ereshkigal made in this world.

- The Moment of Ascending

Ereshkigal felt a necessity to look into himself. Because he knew that he could not go up higher unless he drew out all the potentials even he himself had not realized.

Ignoring all the Drakans begging him to stay, he left to train himself. He went into a deep cave and started to meditate with his eyes closed.

As he didn't move at all for long in the cold cave, his body temperature dropped little by little. When his entire boy froze and even his heart was about to stop, Ereshkigal slowly opened his eyes.

Many Drakans ascended so far, but none of them did so through meditation as Ereshkigal did.

It was a way of ascending suitable for Ereshkigal, the cruel punisher in whose veins, as many said, ice circulated.

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The Risen Ereshkigal and Sakrapas

After the Epic Cataclysm, some reappeared in the world, but a few others whom we all know remained silent.

There are many speculations over their whereabouts, but the most credible one is that Balaur Lords are still fighting one another as Elyos and Asmodians are.

The 4th Dragon Lord Beritra revived, putting both Elyos and Asmodians into chaos. When Beritra weakened the seal of Drakenspire Depths, Ereshkigal came back to Atreia.

It is still unknown why Ereshkigal was sealed in Drakenspire Depths, but it is sure that a long period of confinement has weakened Ereshkigal.

It is a reasonable conclusion because the fact that Ereshkigal sacrificed so many souls to make the legendary flower Sakrapas bloom earlier is contradictory to its disposition that pursues reason and order.

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All-Out Attack on the Deep Layer and Ereshkigal’s Counterattack

After the risen Ereshkigal captured the Divine Fortress, a strong ice storm swept Ereshuranta.

When the headquarters ordered the attack on the whole deep layer to kill Ereshkigal, the Wings of Freedom Legion took the Empyrean Lord's siege weapon and the Embers of Pregion, the First Dragon Lord, to break through the seal to attack Ereshuranta's Eye.

But shortly after, Ereshkigal appeared before the frigate, and Ereshkigal’s blow put an end to a great number of Daevas and their future.

Rather than bemoaning their deaths and blaming ourselves, we attacked the Deep Layer again and succeeded in capturing the Divine Fortress.

However, we failed to stop Ereshkigal’s plan.

In order to become the 1st Dragon Lord, Ereshkigal attempted to conquer Atreia and capture the Tower of Eternity. Its power shattered Ereshuranta, making it fall over Atreia.

The frozen pieces of Ereshuranta destroyed the Abyss Gateway and numerous observatories in Atreia.

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Disappearance of Ereshkigal and Heroes

When Daevas’ painful cries filled the earth, a hero with Aion’s power appeared and stopped Ereshkigal by burning his own soul.

Ereshkigal realized his plan had failed and vanished into thin air.

The hero who sacrifice himself was a mercenary of the Akarios Village. His name is... (not written yet.)

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